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Becoming God's Abundant Community




At St. Columba's we believe in God's abundance and long to continue to become God's abundant community of love for the world. Part of our work toward becoming God's abundant community is the work of giving back from the abundance in our own lives. This giving back includes our time, our service, and also our money. For many of our members, a regular pledge toward St. Columba's budget each year is the best way to support this faith community and work toward personal lives that include intentional and prayerful discernment about money in the practice of Christian faith. We give as generously as we can. We give out of gratitude and joy, not guilt or obligation. And through our giving we are transformed.

Questions and Answers about pledging financial support to St. Columba's

Is pledging just for ‘official’ members of St. Columba’s?

Making a financial commitment to St. Columba’s with a pledge is something anyone can do: people who are registered as members, newcomers to the parish, friends who participate infrequently, and former members who have moved away but still want to support our congregation. You are invited to make a pledge to St. Columba’s if you are connected to this community, grateful for what you have experienced in your spiritual life, and feel the desire to support our congregation’s work in the community into 2017.


Why pledge instead of just giving what I can, when I can?

Your pledge helps our leadership to plan for the year to come. With pledge information we are able to put together a responsible budget for 2017 that includes care for salaries, music, children’s programs, utilities, building maintenance and assistance to the poor in our neighborhood, as well as support for the diocese. Pledging is also something we can do together, as a community.


How much do you expect me to give?

Our hope is for everyone to prayerfully consider our St. Columba’s community, and to give accordingly. It may be helpful to think of your giving in a proportional way based on income – 1%, 5% or 10% (a traditional tithe).  And in order to fund our budget we do need people to consider being generous in their giving. We hope that your pledge will be a real and generous part of your personal budget, reflecting how St. Columba’s is a real and generous part of your spiritual life.


What if I can only give a little?

We know that St. Columba’s members and friends represent great diversity in income. Such diversity is a gift to our community, and we cherish it. We invite all to pledge, whatever the amount. Please know that those who can afford small contributions are an important part of our annual budget, and our life together here at St. Columba’s.

Did You Know You Can Make Contributions Towards Your Annual Pledge Online?

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